The Society is named in honour of Sir Arthur Eddington, who was born in Kendal. Eddington is regarded as the Father of Modern Theoretical Astrophysics and was also noted for his books on astronomy for the layman.
Aims and objectives of the Society:
- To maintain a programme of regular meetings and observing activities, so as to bring together people with an interest in astronomy.
- To actively promote amateur astronomy and associated science in Kendal and the surrounding area.
- To inform the people of Kendal and the surrounding area about astronomical events (e.g. eclipses, comets, meteor showers) and help them to enjoy these through Society observing activities, displays and media coverage.
Membership and Officers
Members of the Society will be those who have paid an annual subscription for the current year. The annual subscription is necessary so that the Society has the resources to pay for invited speakers, room hire, equipment if needed, and for administrative expenses.
The level of the annual subscription will be recommended by the Treasurer and agreed at the Annual General Meeting and may include provision for a concessionary rate for senior citizens and young people (under 18). The annual subscription of membership shall be due on the 1st January each year and shall cover the Society’s financial year which shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
Only members who have paid their annual subscription shall be eligible to vote at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Society will be managed by a Committee, elected from the membership at the AGM. The purpose of the Committee is to manage the affairs of the Society.
The Committee shall consist of four officers supported by additional elected members:
- Chairperson – will open and close each meeting of the Society, and chair committee meetings.
- Secretary – responsible for the administration of the Society: taking minutes, booking speakers and coordinating other events run by the Society.
- Treasurer – responsible for collecting subscriptions, paying bills, keeping a record of financial transactions and updating the membership contact list.
- Monthly Meetings Coordinator – responsible for managing the delivery of the monthly meeting.
- The above officers will be supported by up to four other elected members who will carry out further roles as needed.
The Committee should meet at least three times per year to manage the Society with additional ad hoc meetings or telephone/internet discussions as required.
The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Officers shall be elected for a term of up to 3 years, and other committee members for a term up to 2 years. Anyone willing to stand for election may do so.
- Ordinary public meetings will normally be held monthly. At the discretion of the Committee, a summer break may occur in July and August.
- The Annual General Meeting will normally be held at the public monthly meeting in January. Notice of the AGM together with an agenda will be circulated to members one month in advance of the meeting.
The purpose of the AGM is:
- Receive reports from officers: the Chairperson will review the previous year’s activities, the Secretary will give a report that will include plans for future activities and the Treasurer will present a statement of the financial accounts. Members will be asked to formally accept the reports of the officers.
- Elect a new committee who will take over the running of the Society at the end of the AGM. Members willing to stand should contact the Secretary at least six weeks in advance of the AGM so that names can be circulated with the formal notice of the AGM.
- Discuss and decide upon matters raised by members regarding the functioning of the Society.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held as part of a normal monthly meeting at the request of the Committee or eight or more members to the Secretary. One month prior notice must be given to the membership together with the purpose of the meeting.
- For resolutions and decisions concerning the running of the Society, a quorum will be one third of the membership for the AGM or an EGM.
- The constitution of the Society can only be changed at either the AGM or an EGM.
Date: 8th January 2018